Hello here comes a list of occasions when Rymdreglage has received some attention which we are very proud of and want to show the world π
NBC News: NBC observed when we wore sorting 100 boxes of lego:
Swedish radio interviewed us about the work on 8-bit trip 2:
Here is a game fore smart phones that we have made one song for called “Size does matter”:
Swedish radio was visiting us and checked out how the work on 8-bit trip was going:
One day in 2010 A guy from Eoromaxx (big TV-channel in Germany) visited us for a hole day and asked questions and stuff:
Washington Post web-TV:
The Swedish magazine Filter (a culture magazine for the elite :P) made a reportage about us in the magazine #26 2012 (the one with Stefan and Krister on the cover):
We was competing in Youtube Play, Guggenheim and we WON! (a yellow T-shirt) π
Our videos has also been broadcast in France, Germany, Japan, Sweden and some more places that I have forgot…
We have also made the music for a game by Namco Bandai but I think that it not has been released yet so it is top secret π